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In normative public economics it is crucial to know how fast the marginal utility of income declines as income … inequality. We estimate this parameter using four large cross-sectional surveys of subjective happiness and two panel surveys …, using a number of assumptions, we are able to estimate the elasticity of marginal utility with respect to income. We obtain …
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countries. The same result is also obtained for the e¤ects of ICT and mass media on economic inequality,. However, ICT reveals … itself inequal- ity increasing for the developing country sample but inequality decreasing for the entire sample. Finally …, lower poverty is robustly associated with higher media (newspaper circulation) penetration. …
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parents' income while the Behrman/Taubman estimator regresses an S-period average of the child's resources on a T …-period average of the parents' income. The latter estimator is shown to be the arithmetic mean of the S slope estimates arising from …
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evaluation comprise the alleviation of poverty and the reduction in income inequality, whilst the diversity of opinions about …
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The techniques of simple random sampling are seldom appropriate in the empirical analysis of income distributions …
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poverty indices to data contamination using the concept of the influence function. We show that poverty and inequality indices …Drawing on recent work concerning the statistical robustness of inequality statistics we examine the sensitivity of … have fundamentally different robustness properties, and demonstrate that an imporrtant commonly used subclass of poverty …
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social policies are described and the effects on poverty and inequality are examined. The limitations of a social policy that … livelihood approach is analysed and its potential to reduce poverty and inequality are considered. …Despite prolonged economic growth, poverty has become a more notable and noted feature of Chinese society. The paper …
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We consider the link between poverty and subjective well-being, and focus in particular on potential adaptation to … poverty. We use panel data on almost 54,000 individuals living in Germany from 1985 to 2012 to show first that life … satisfaction falls with both the incidence and intensity of contemporaneous poverty. We then reveal that there is little evidence …
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This paper employs a decomposition analysis of inequality by income source to understand and explain particular aspects … of income inequality in Greece. The results suggest that entrepreneurial income is the most significant contributor to … contributions and this is mainly attributed to tax evasion, particularly in entrepreneurial income. The decrease of the inequality …
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