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We consider the long memory and leverage properties of a model for the conditional variance of an observable stationary … of Engle (1990), and to a version of the quadratic ARCH model of Sentana (1995), these authors having discussed leverage … memory processes. We also establish a leverage property and conditions for finiteness of third and higher moments. …
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We provide a model that links an asset's market liquidity; i.e., the ease with which it is traded; and traders' funding liquidity, i.e. the ease with which they can obtain funding. Traders provide market liquidity, and their ability to do so depends on their availability of funding. Conversely,...
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In this paper we discuss some of the most important economic issues raised in European Commission vs. Microsoft (2004) concerning the market for work group servers. In our view, the most important economic issues relate to (a) foreclosure incentives and (b) innovation effects of the proposed...
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This paper contributes to a growing literature on the pitfalls of diversification by shedding light on a new mechanism under which, full risk diversification can be sub-optimal. In particular, banks must choose the optimal level of diversification in a market where returns display a bimodal...
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The Great Recession has indicated that firms' leverage and access to finance are important for hiring and firing …
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We examine the effect of taxation on financing policy using the corporate tax reform in 2001 in Croatia as a natural experiment. Since the extant literature on tax effects on capital structure studies listed firms in developed countries, it is worth investigating whether the same results apply...
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-2008, we find that buyout leverage is unrelated to the cross-sectional factors – suggested by traditional capital structure … theories – that drive public firm leverage. Instead, variation in economy-wide credit conditions is the main determinant of … leverage in buyouts, while having little impact on public firms. Higher deal leverage is associated with higher transaction …
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We study a general equilibrium model in which firms choose their capital structure optimally, trading off the tax advantages of debt against the risk of costly default. The costs of default are endogenous: bankrupt firms are forced to liquidate their assets, resulting in a fire sale if there is...
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We study a dynamic general equilibrium model in which firms choose their investment level and their capital structure, trading off the tax advantages of debt against the risk of costly default. The costs of bankruptcy are endogenously determined, as bankrupt firms are forced to liquidate their...
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