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because of the higher returns to education and skills, the pathway through offspring education is relatively more important … pathways by which parental status is related to offspring status, including education, labor market attachment, occupation … differences between the two nations into that part attributable to the strength of the relationship between parental income and …
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This paper assesses the potential of `workplace training'' with reference to German Apprenticeship. When occupational matching is important, we derive conditions under which firms provide `optimal'' training packages. Since the German system broadly meets these conditions, we evaluate the...
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This paper examines the relation between ambition, as a form of dynamic human capital, and the escalator role of high order metropolitan regions, as originally identified by Fielding (1989). It argues that occupational progression in such places particularly depends on concentrations both of...
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This paper examines the relation between ambition, as a form of dynamic human capital, and the escalator role of high-order metropolitan regions, as originally identified by A. J. Fielding. It argues that occupational progression in such places particularly depends on concentrations both of...
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In the urban resurgence accompanying the growth of the knowledge economy, second-order cities appear to be losing out to the principal city, especially where the latter is much larger and benefits from substantially greater agglomeration economies. The view that any city can make itself...
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We study the intergenerational effects of parentseducation on their children’s educational outcomes. The endogeneity … Parents and Children – a rich cohort dataset of children born in the early 1990s in Avon, England – allows us to examine the …. We find that increasing parental education has a positive causal effect on children’s outcomes that is evident at age 4 …
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association between childhood family income and later adult earnings. We seek to account for the level of income persistence in … attachment. Changes in the relationships between these variables, parental income and earnings are able to explain over 80% of …. The mediating factors considered are cognitive skills, noncognitive traits, educational attainment and labour market …
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, education or social class. The literatures on education and income mobility reveal a similar ranking with South America, other … second part of the paper looks for explanations for the differences in earnings and education persistence and finds that …This paper summarizes research on the relative level of intergenerational mobility – whether classified by income …
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cohorts substantially affect careers. A player born into a large birth cohort can expect an earnings loss of roughly 18 … percent over the course of an average career as compared to a small birth cohort counterpart. The loss in earnings is driven …
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The skill gap in geographical mobility is entirely driven by workers who report moving for a new job. A natural explanation lies in the large expected surplus accruing to skilled job matches. Just as large surpluses ease the frictions which impede job search in general, they also help overcome...
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