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This paper examines the effects of recent welfare reforms in the US and UK on thewell-being of children in low-income families, looking specifically at the effects onpoverty, family expenditures, and child health and development. The paper finds somecommonalities but also some notable...
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In this paper we provide evidence on how the UK government’s welfarereforms since 1998 have affected the material well-being of children in lowincomefamilies. We examine changes in expenditure patterns and ownership ofdurable goods for low- and higher-income families between the...
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Despite prolonged economic growth, poverty has become a more notable andnoted feature of Chinese society. The paper examines three phases ofdevelopment since the foundation of the People’s Republic: the central planningera (1949 –1978); the pro-urban growth model (1978 – 1999); and more...
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‘Work-life balance’ generally refers to how people may combine paid employmentwith family responsibilities. The UK government’s attempts to promote work-lifebalance are connected to wider concerns to maximise labour-force participation andinclude policies on tax credits, child care and...
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The construction industry is important for Chinese rural to urban migrants. Over 90%of urban construction workers are rural migrants, and over a third of all rural migrantswork in construction. The construction industry is not only particularly important, butis also different from other...
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In April 2002 Jobcentre Plus started to operate in the UK bringing together theservice of the Benefits Agency and the Employment Service. Offering a fullyintegrated benefit claiming and work placement/job-seeking service for peopleof working age this new organisation aims to strengthen the link...
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Since April 2002 Jobcentre Plus has started to operate nationwide in the UKproviding fully integrated benefit claiming and work placement/job-seekingactivities for people of working age. This new organisation put an explicitwork-focus in the delivery of the benefit system. Along with...
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This paper represents the results of a small-scale qualitative study, exploringpublic perceptions of the redistributive effects of taxation and public spendingin the UK. Redistribution is not at the top of people’s minds when they considerthese issues and it is a complex subject on which they...
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Families with disabled children are susceptible to poverty because low incomeis compounded by high costs. Combing caring with employment is extremelydifficult, so families are heavily reliant upon benefits. But do disability benefitsprovide financial security for families who are susceptible to...
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In July 2000, the Taipei City Government launched an anti-poverty program,Taipei Family Development Accounts, which drew heavily on Sherraden’sasset-based welfare theory, and was to provide matched savings accounts forlow-income families in the City. This paper presents the “income to...
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