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The last year has seen a transition inCASE’s activities, with the completionof our long-term programme for theEconomic and Social Research Council(ESRC) in January, results from whichwere brought together in a conferenceto celebrate the Centre’s tenthanniversary in January, with...
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This report covers CASE’s activities duringthe calendar year 2007 (with financialand related information for the 2006-07academic year). This year marked thecompletion of the Centre’s ten years withcore funding from the Economic andSocial Research Council (ESRC). Havingcompleted that research...
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This report presents some of the mainfi ndings from our research in each areaduring 2005: most of our eighth andpart of our ninth year. It also detailsthe other activities of the Centre. Moredetail can be found in the publicationslisted in Appendix 2, which includeCASE’s own discussion paper...
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The Year at a Glance2004 was CASE’s seventh full year.The Centre continued its high level ofactivity and output through the year.Just after the end of it, we submittedour evaluation report to ESRC, coveringall our activities since we started workin October 1997. These had resulted inmore than...
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[...]This report presents some of the mainfindings from our research in each areaduring 2003: most of our sixth and partof our seventh year. It also details theother activities of the Centre. More detailcan be found in the publications listed inAppendix 2, which include CASE’s owndiscussion...
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This report covers the period October2001 to December 2002: the fifth yearand part of the sixth year of the ESRCCentre for Analysis of Social Exclusion.■ During 2002, the Centre’s work duringits first five years was positively reviewed,and ESRC funding was renewed for afurther five years,...
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This report covers the third year of the ESRC Research Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) fromOctober 1999 to September 2000.The Centre’s objectives are to develop understanding within five broad areas: income mobility and economicexclusion; the role of social welfare institutions;...
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This report covers the second year of the ESRC Research Centre for Analysis ofSocial Exclusion (CASE) from October 1998 to September 1999. The year sawincreased activity and output from the previous year.The Centre’s objectives are to develop understanding within five broad areas:income...
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