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and overall income available to households within thedisplaced area. This information is used to produce a … Poverty.[...] …
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In this paper we examine the concept of "vulnerability" (Townsend 1994) within thecontext of income mobility of the … have the greatest impact on consumption, incomparison to shocks to the income stream. Quantile-specific estimates … revealspecific quantiles, particularly those around the poverty line which are mostsusceptible to be vulnerable to shocks to the …
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setting out the extent of the problem ofchild poverty, the causes are discussed and Britain's problem is set ininternational … perspective. The impact on child poverty of policiesdesigned to raise incomes directly is analysed using micro …-simulationmodelling. A major emphasis of current policy is on the promotion ofpaid work, and we explore the potential for poverty reduction …
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Poverty Street draws on evidence from twelve of the most disadvantagedneighbourhoods in England and Wales, using Census … neighbourhoods have multiple problems - unemployment three times the nationalaverage; Income Support claims twice as high; health and …
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, Hackney and Newham. The East Endhas the biggest concentration of poverty in the capital. It lies at the heart of theThames …
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, and who feltunder both time and income pressure. These interviews gave the researcher someinsight into the nature of the … disposable income actually available toindividuals and families, and a simulation of other time-income combinationspotentially …
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This report covers CASE’s activities duringthe calendar year 2 006 (with financialand related information for the 2 005-06academic year). This is the ninth yearof the Centre’s core funding from theCouncil, which will end in December2007. The Centre is currently exploringalternative ways of...
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Following the implementation of the government’s fuel poverty strategy in 2001, Warm Front is expected to make a …’s target of eliminating fuel poverty among vulnerable households by 2010, based largely on the recommendations in a recent … and fuel poverty.[...] …
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[...]This report presents some of the mainfindings from our research in each areaduring 2003: most of our sixth and partof our seventh year. It also details theother activities of the Centre. More detailcan be found in the publications listed inAppendix 2, which include CASE’s owndiscussion...
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, forexample, their previous income and employment – and also by the type and severity of theirnewly-acquired impairment or …
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