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This paper discusses the contribution made by American social scientists to thestudy of poverty in the past twenty five years. It has three parts. The firstconcentrates on the measurement of poverty and the fact that the US povertyline remained unchanged in that period despite its increasingly...
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[...]Our research on seven ‘weak marketcities’ in five European countriessupported by the Joseph RowntreeFoundation was completed and theresulting book, Phoenix Cities by AnnePower, Jörg Plöger and Astrid Winkler,will be published in March 2010.However, we were delighted that...
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This paper explores the pre-First World War Austro-Hungarian economy as a prominent case where growing conflict between various ethnic and national groups within an empire might have contributed to the emergence of internal borders and even its eventual dissolution. To this end we adopt an...
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This paper is a revised version of an Economic History thesis submitted to the London School of Economics in September 2000.The main text assumes analytical rather than chronological form, and, to avoid breaking the flow of the argument, it refers to persons, Labour Party structures and...
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Given the emphasis in recent welfare economics, political philosophy andsocial policy on the concept of opportunity, the need to find a way ofdifferentiating between outcomes that are the result of choice and outcomesthat are the results of constraint has become pressing. But all approaches...
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We consider a linear growth model with idiosyncratic productivity shocks in whichproducers cannot commit to repay their loans. Borrowing constraints are determinedendogenously by the borrowers’ incentives to repay, assuming that defaulters lose a shareof output and are excluded from future...
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There is plenty of evidence across the EU to suggest that young people from poorerbackgrounds are less likely to attend tertiary education than their better-off peers. Thiscorrelation is often used to justify monetary transfers to families with students. It isnot clear, however, that these...
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The last year has seen a transition inCASE’s activities, with the completionof our long-term programme for theEconomic and Social Research Council(ESRC) in January, results from whichwere brought together in a conferenceto celebrate the Centre’s tenthanniversary in January, with...
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This report covers CASE’s activities duringthe calendar year 2007 (with financialand related information for the 2006 …
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This report presents some of the mainfi ndings from our research in each areaduring 2005: most of our eighth andpart of …
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