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Market participants' risk attitudes, wealth and portfolio composition influence their positions in apegged foreign currency and, therefore, may have important effects on the sustainability of currencypegs. We analyze such effects in a global game model of currency crises with continuous...
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This paper studies a dynamic model of crises with timing frictions that combines the mainaspects of Morris and Shin (1998) and Frankel and Pauzner (2000). The usual arguments forexistence and uniqueness of equilibrium cannot be applied. It is shown that the model has aunique equilibrium within...
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This paper analyses predictions of a simple model of currency crises in which the peg will beabandoned when the currency overvaluation hits a certain threshold, unknown to the agents. Due tolearning about the threshold, some features usually observed in the data and identified with modelswith...
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In a country with high probability of default, higher interest rates may render the currency lessattractive if sovereign default is costly. This paper develops that intuition in a simple model andestimates the effect of changes in interest rates on the exchange rate in Brazil using data from...
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[...]We address several questions in this paper. First,how could macro markets be useful to the average person?Second, how large are the potential benefits from diversificationif these markets were to be introduced andused optimally? Third, can existing financial marketsachieve a similar degree...
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[...]In this paper, I examine two methods of measuringthe value of better schools. One involves following individualsover time to determine how the quality of theirschooling affects outcomes later in their lives; the otherinvolves calculating parental valuation of better schoolstoday. I review...
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This paper documents the convergence of incomes across Indian states over theperiod 1965 to 1998. It departs from traditional analyses of convergence by trackingthe evolution of the entire income distribution, instead of standard regression and timeseries analyses. The findings reveal twin-peaks...
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Our report sets out a framework for delivering new and renovatedhousing in an integrated and sustainable way. Volume one presentsour framework; volume two explores the six elements of theframework in more detail; and volume three brings togethersupporting documentation gathered during the...
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Europe is a continent of cities with a remarkable history of cultural inspiration, wealth creation, social and politicaldynamism. But in the late-20th century, many former industrial cities entered a period of steep decline, losingmost of their manufacturing jobs and many of their economic...
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Few micro…nance-funded businesses grow beyond subsistence entrepreneur-ship. This paper considers one possible explanation: that the structure ofexisting micro…nance contracts may discourage risky but high-expected returninvestments. To explore this possibility, I develop a theory that uni…es...
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