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[...]This paper examines the impact that the PCAstandards had on bank portfolios following the passage ofFDICIA in 1991. To do this, the simultaneous equationsmodel developed by Shrieves and Dahl (1992), and latermodified by Jacques and Nigro (1997) to study the impactof risk-based capital, is...
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In August 1996, the U.S. bank regulatory agenciesadopted the market risk amendment (MRA) to the 1988Basle Capital Accord. The MRA, which became effectivein January 1998, requires that commercial banks withsignificant trading activities set aside capital to cover themarket risk exposure in their...
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Set forth below in Part I is a discussion of the backgroundof the Pilot; in Part II, conclusions arising out of the conductof the Pilot; and in Part III, the Participating Institutions’views as to the next steps. The Pilot left the ParticipatingInstitutions with three core conclusions:• that...
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[...]In this paper, we therefore consider how riskmeasures, based on internal models of this type, might beintegrated into a firm’s own methodology for allocatingrisk capital to its individual business units and for determiningits optimal capital structure. We also consider theimplications of...
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This morning, I would like to give a few practical commentson capital adequacy from an insurance companyperspective. In doing so, I will present two views on capitaladequacy and capital allocation in the insurance industry.The first view is the regulatory perspective, that is, themotivations...
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[...]This paper focuses on the relative emphasis thatthe structure of regulatory capital places on formulas andon supervision. The two are not viewed as mutually exclusive,but as elements to which capital policy implicitlyassigns relative weights. We will see that in U.S. regulatorypractice,...
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It is a great pleasure for me to be here and to participate inthe discussion of the future of capital adequacy regulation.I would like to compliment the organizers of this conferenceon the programme they have set up, covering manyrelevant topics, and the range of experts they have beenable to...
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I am very pleased to be part of this forward-looking conferenceon developments in capital regulation. Because thepurpose of capital is to support risk, I decided to approachthis session from the viewpoint of someone leading aninstitution that depends, for its success or failure, on howwell it...
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This article does not address specific capital proposalsnor does it suggest specific new requirements. Theframework it provides, however, has implications for possiblefuture refinements in the supervisory approach to capitalrequirements.[...]
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We study theoretically how the adjustment to liberalization of international…nancial transaction depends upon the degree of domestic …nancial development.Using a model with domestic and international borrowing constraints, we showthat, when the domestic …nancial system is underdeveloped,...
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