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This paper compares the pricing and hedging performance of the LMM model against two spot-ratemodels, namely Hull … contrast to previous studies in the literature, ouremphasis here is on ALM and we use hedging performance on Bermudan swaptions …
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particular, we compare the two models for pricing and hedging Bermudanswaptions because of its resemblance to prepayment option …
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This paper tests the co-terminal swap market model (SMM) pricing and hedging performance onBermudan swaptions. To our … particular volatility formula may not be enough tocapture the term structure of different markets. Hedging performance of the …
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The recent financial crisis has accentuated the fact that extreme outcomes have been overlookedand not dealt with adequately. While extreme value theories have existed for a long time, themultivariate variant is difficult to handle in the financial markets due to the prevalentheteroskedasticity...
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We use multivariate regime switching vector autoregressive models to characterize the time-varyinglinkages among the Irish stock market, one of the top world performers of the 1990s, and the US andUK stock markets. We ¯nd that two regimes, characterized as bear and bull states, are required...
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A growing number of studies in finance decompose multi-period buy-and-hold portfolioreturns into a series of single period returns. The method used to decomposethese returns is important because researchers use them in tests of asset pricing modelsand market efficiency and in evaluating the...
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We address one interesting case — the predictability of excess US asset returns from macroeconomic factors within a flexible regime switching VAR framework — in which the presence of regimes may lead to superior forecasting performance from forecast combinations. After having documented that...
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This paper studies asset allocation decisions in the presence of regime switching in asset returns. Wefind evidence that four separate regimes - characterized as crash, slow growth, bull and recovery states- are required to capture the joint distribution of stock and bond returns. Optimal asset...
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We calculate optimal portfolio choices for a long-horizon, risk-averse investor who diversifies amongEuropean stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash, when excess asset returns are predictable. Simulations areperformed for scenarios involving different risk aversion levels, horizons, and...
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This study explores the information content of HML and SMB by linking the Fama-French factors toshocks in the state variables which predict future investment opportunities. It shows that the HMLfactor contains information about shocks to default spread. Moreover, the Fama-French modelexplains...
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