Showing 41 - 50 of 81
Standard economic explanations of good conduct in trade rely almostexclusively on future-directed extrinsic motivations induced by materialincentives. But intrinsic motives to behave trustworthy and to punishuntrustworthiness do support trade. In our model, intrinsically motivatedplayers are...
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The satisficing approach with its three constituent processes, aspiration formation,satisficing, and aspiration adjustment, is formally elaborated for a specificclass of portfolio selection tasks. It is partly poorly confirmed by experimentaldata, indicating that bounded rationality requires...
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Das Anspruchserfüllungskonzept mit seinen Bausteinen "Anspruchsbildung, Anspruchserfüllung und Anspruchsanpassung" ist die zentrale Idee in der Theorie des eingeschränkten rationalen Entscheidens. Ähnlich wie die Rationalwahltheorie, die ohne kühne Einschränkungen, zum Beispiel der...
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We propose an experimental design allowing a behavioral test of the axiom ofcompleteness of individual preferences. The central feature of our design consistsin enabling subjects to postpone commitment at a small cost. Our main result isthat preferences are significantly incomplete. We use...
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Economic intuitions concerning rational behaviour in interactive social situations are shaped byidealized models which are regarded as “approximately true”. But ideal models cannot be meaningfullydeemed approximately true unless asymptotically convergent processes imply them as limit cases....
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A vast literature shows that individuals frequently violate normative principles in reasoning. In evaluatingthe relevance of these findings for psychology, economics, and related disciplines, it is natural to askwhether reasoning errors reflect random aberrations or systematic biases. One...
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The price mecanism is the primary means of information transferin decentralized economic systems. High prices indicate highdemand, whereas low prices indicate low demand. Thus prices arethe signals for accelerating or slowing production. However, usingsequential, multi-unit auctions, we show...
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This paper investigates factors influencing individual portfolio allocations withparticular focus on the role of illusion of control. By forming their portfolio of tworisky lotteries and one risk-less alternative, subjects are requested to reach a targetinvestment profit, whereby equal...
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Completeness, the most commonly assumed axiom in preference theory,has not received much attention from the experimental literature. Indeed,incomplete preferences model a cognitive phenomenon (an agent's inabilityto compare alternatives), and therefore cannot be directly revealed throughchoice...
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The results of an asset market experiment, in which 64 subjects trade two assets oneight markets in a computerized …
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