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problems. The recovery is expected to continue, but less vigorously than at the beginning of 2011. In Belgium, recent … considerably in Belgium during 2010 and at the beginning of 2011. Overall, as an annual average, the rise in consumer prices is …
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on economic activity in Belgium. In particular, both industrial production and foreign trade in goods plummeted from … slowdown which began in 2007. Having peaked at 5.9 p.c. in July 2008, inflation in Belgium eased rapidly and should continue to … to result in wage growth moderation. According to the provisional figures published by the NAI in March 2009, Belgium …
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be less favourable for growth and inflation. In Belgium, after having increased by 0.8 p.c. during the first three months … 2005, the number of persons in employment in Belgium should increase further, by some 80,000 units over 2006 and 2007. With … set to fall only very slightly, from 8.4 p.c. in 2005 to 8.2 p.c. in 2006 and 2007. Overall inflation movements in Belgium …
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at global level and for Belgium. The financial tensions which emerged in mid 2007 turned into a serious crisis, and the … was slightly less marked in Belgium than in the euro area. However, the plummeting confidence indicators show that the … economy. As in the euro area, activity is predicted to decline in Belgium in late 2008 and early 2009, with a very modest …
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subside to between 1.8 and 3.0 p.c. in 2009. As in the euro area, activity remained buoyant in Belgium in 2007. The slowdown …
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level hovering around 60 dollars since October 2006. In Belgium, economic activity recorded a considerable increase in …
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. In Belgium, economic activity has been particularly strong in 2006. It should slow down slightly in 2007 and 2008, to …
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Twice a year, in June and December, the National Bank of Belgium publishes the macroeconomic projections for the … pressures should remain contained. In Belgium, GDP growth slowed down markedly at the end of 2004. During the first quarter of …
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euro area and in Belgium in the first half of 2007. However, the external environment has become more uncertain, owing to …. Maintaining its 2006 momentum, economic activity in Belgium remained buoyant during the first half of 2007, expanding at a rate of …
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Twice a year, in June and December, the National Bank of Belgium publishes the macroeconomic projections for the … growth in Belgium has been revised upwards by 0.4 p.p. in 2004; it is now expected to accelerate from 1.3 p.c. in 2003 to 2 …
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