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reform program that I analyze may have raised wages modestly … on wages. Furthermore, several recent analyses suggest that low-skill workers, such as welfare recipients, enjoy only … meager returns to experience, undermining the link between welfare reform and wages …
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We measure the impact of measurement error in labor-supply elasticities estimated over recalled usual work hours, as is ubiquitous in the literature. Employing hours of work in diaries collected by the American Time Use Survey, 2003-12, along with the same respondents' recalled usual hours, we...
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labor supply elasticities were small, recent work has identified three key reasons that the aggregate elasticity may be … estimates for aggregate labor supply. Third, structural estimation of responses along the extensive (i.e., employment) margin …
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assumptions about the long run effect of wages rates on labor supply. The available estimates of the wage elasticity of male labor … which men can change their hours of work, and in which wages have been exogenously and permanently changed. We introduce a … function. Our estimates suggest that the elasticity of labor supply is about -0.2, implying that income effects dominate …
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the micro level means that the aggregate labour supply elasticity is not a structural parameter: any aggregate elasticity …
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In a seminal paper, Camerer, Babcock, Loewenstein, and Thaler (1997) find that the wage elasticity of daily hours of …
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of monopsony. We use an exogenous change in wages at Veterans Affairs hospitals as a natural experiment to investigate … supply to individual hospitals is quite inelastic, with short-run elasticity around 0.1. We also find that non-VA hospitals … responded to the VA wage change by changing their own wages …
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This paper investigates three hypotheses to account for the observed shifts in U.S. relative wages of less educated … inequality among these groups but it could have contributed to the decline in wages for the least educated. Instead, support is …
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All across Europe, old age labor force participation has declined dramatically during the last decades. This secular trend coincides with population aging. The European social security systems therefore face a double threat: retirees receive pensions for a longer time while there are less...
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paper shows that UI extensions at age thresholds reduced reemployment wages of job searchers in Germany. The UI extensions …This paper provides quasi-experimental estimates of the causal effect of long-term unemployment on wages. Using … standard job search theory, the paper derives and tests conditions on reemployment wages under which Unemployment Insurance (UI …
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