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without a degrees of freedom adjustment), applied to the fixed effects estimator for panel data with serially uncorrelated … (with or without a degrees of freedom adjustment), applied to the fixed effects estimator for panel data with serially …
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Using Monte Carlo simulations, this paper evaluates the bias properties of common estimators used in growth regressions derived from the Solow model. We explicitly allow for measurement error in the right-hand side variables, as well as country-specific effects that are correlated with the...
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We study the panel DOLS estimator of a homogeneous cointegration vector for a balanced panel of N individuals observed … approximation to the exact finite sample distribution. We use panel dynamic OLS to estimate coefficients of the long-run money … demand function from a panel of 19 countries with annual observations that span from 1957 to 1996. The estimated income …
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We propose two new estimators for a wide class of panel data models with nonseparable error terms and endogenous … depend on the explanatory variables once one conditions on z. In some panel data cases we may find z by making the assumption … in the panel is exchangeable in the values of those explanatory variables. This situation may be realistic, in particular …
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inferred using only cross-sectional data. Panel or longitudinal data where the same units are observed repeatedly at different … units who respond in initial waves of the panel may drop out in subsequent waves, so that the subsample with complete data … for all waves of the panel can be less representative of the population than the original sample. Sometimes, in the hope …
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By 1989 the Michigan Panel Study on Income Dynamics (PSID) had experienced approximately 50 percent sample loss from …
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This paper considers estimation and testing of vector autoregression coefficients in panel data, and applies the …
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This note presents a simple, linear test for individual effects in dynamic models using panel data; building upon the … techniques of Holtz-Eakin, Newey, and Rosen (HNR) [198S] for estimating vector autoregressions using panel data. While … moment conditions implied by the presence of individual effects and is particularly suited for dynamic models using panel …
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Panel data based on various longitudinal surveys have become ubiquitous in economics in recent years. Estimation using … panel data context a variety of errors-in-variables models may be identifiable and estimable without the use of external …
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distributed lag relationships based on single time-series of observations have been usually rather imprecise. The promise of panel …
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