Showing 1 - 10 of 12
from taxes on intermediate inputs or consumer goods, and derives a practical alternative to this formula. We use an … analytically tractable general equilibrium model to reveal how interactions with pre-existing taxes in other markets critically … affect the excess burden of new taxes on intermediate inputs or consumer goods. The usual excess-burden formula ignores these …
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This paper employs a general equilibrium model to assess the effects of major components of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on the performance of housing and other industries. The model considers both short-term and long-term effects on housing demands, house values, and investment in housing. Model...
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This paper presents a multisector general equilibrium model that is capable of providing integrated assessments of the economy's short- and long- run responses to tax policy changes. The model contains an explicit treatment of firm's investment decisions according to which producers exhibit...
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This paper examines the interactions between tax policy, international capitol mobility, and international competitiveness. It demonstrates that tax policies which stimulate national investment without affecting national savings must inevitably lead to deterioration in a country's trade balance...
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More than three quarters of the United States tangible capital stock represents structures. Tax policies potentially have a major impact on both the level and composition of investment in structures and equipment. This point is explicitly recognized in most discussions of the effects of capital...
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In this paper, we re-examine the standard analysis of the short-run effect of a personal tax cut. If consumer spending generates more money demand than other components of GNP, then tax cuts may, by increasing the demand for money, depress aggregate demand. We examine a variety of evidence and...
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The theoretical and empirical results in this paper make a strong prima facie case for the proposition that increases in the after tax rate of return caused by tax policy are likely to bring forth significant increases in saving. Theoretical analysis using a variety of standard models tends to...
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There is a growing recognition among public finance economists of the inappropriateness of closed economy models for analyzing alternative U.S. tax policies. In response to this, this paper reports on four different external sector specifications for the Fullerton-Shoven-Whalley general...
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, however, very long. For example, it is estimated that the elimination of capital gains taxes would raise the capital stock by …
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This study departs from earlier analyses of the effects of taxes on capital income in several respects. Probably the …
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