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I characterize a dynamic economy under general distributions of households' risk tolerance, endowments, and beliefs … consumption-share increases; (b) the wealth-share of high risk-tolerant households increases; (c) richer households' wealth … risk sharing. Higher uncertainty increases stock prices, risk premiums, volatility, wealth inequality and the dispersion of …
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We evaluate the empirical support for a broad class of long run risk models using information in factors extracted … formed on Size and Book-to-Market. We identify two price-dividend ratio factor proxies for economy wide long run risk, one … that that the long run risk factor driving expected consumption growth is not recoverable from the cross section of excess …
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power for expected returns across a range of equity characteristic portfolios and non-equity asset classes, with risk price … estimates that are of the same sign and similar in magnitude. Positive exposure to capital share risk earns a positive risk …
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conditional equity premium and risk-free rate in equilibrium. Our empirical analysis shows that the equity premium appears to be …
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Approach: Drawing on 31 waves of longitudinal data on investment behavior from the American Life Panel surveys from November 2008 to the present, we tracked high frequency changes in expectations at the individual level and related them to high frequency changes in stock market prices. We...
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We study the effects of changes in uncertainty about future fiscal policy on aggregate economic activity. Fiscal deficits and public debt have risen sharply in the wake of the financial crisis. While these developments make fiscal consolidation inevitable, there is considerable uncertainty about...
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The adoption and diffusion of technological knowledge is generally regarded as a key element in a country's economic success. However, as is the case with most types of information, the transfer of technological knowledge is likely to be subject to adverse selection problems. In this paper we...
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profits across stock characteristics, season, and tax environment appear inconsistent with existing theory, but may point to …
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Prior experimental and empirical research documents that many investors have a lower propensity to sell those stocks on which they have a capital loss. This behavioral phenomenon, known as 'the disposition effect,' has implications for equilibrium prices. We investigate the temporal pattern of...
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depends on the importance of real interest rate risk relative to other sources of risk. We extend the analysis to consider …
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