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The paper uses bank- and instrument-level data on asset holdings and liabilities to identify and estimate a general … equilibrium model of trade in financial instruments. Bilateral ties are formed as each bank selects the size and the … lead to less amplification of partial equilibrium shocks, (ii) the influence of a bank's equity is independent of the size …
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fragility manifests itself in stronger sensitivity of deposit flows to bank performance. A deterioration in the aggregate … conditions in the banking system makes the fragility within each bank stronger. We run multiple tests to show that depositors …
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the size of the economy, (2) the association between an increase in economic output and an increase in bank development …
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, raising credit terms to their borrowers. The picture that emerges from these findings looks less like a traditional bank run …
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established through bank-to-bank lending and provide evidence to support this claim. To analyze dynamics of formation of such …
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how they are resolved. Our analysis sheds new light on the conflict between micro-prudential bank regulation and …
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This paper models and estimates ex ante safety-net benefits at a sample of large banks in US and Europe during 2003-2008. Our results suggest that difficult-to-fail and unwind (DFU) banks enjoyed substantially higher ex ante benefits than other institutions. Safety-net benefits prove...
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urban growth. Our estimates suggest that the presence of a bank at a given location in the late 1830s is associated with …
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We measure how securitized assets, including mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed securities, have shifted across financial institutions over this crisis and how the availability of financing has accommodated such shifts. Sectors dependent on repo financing - in particular, the...
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The remote inland province of Shanxi was late Qing dynasty China's paramount banking center. Its remoteness and China's almost complete isolation from foreign influence at the time lead historians to posit a Chinese invention of modern banking. However, Shanxi merchants ran a tea trade north...
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