Showing 1 - 10 of 982
We test whether the time-series positive correlation of inflation and intermarket relative price variability is also … higher than average inflation also have higher than average relative price dispersion, ceteris paribus. This result holds for … part of the relationship between inflation and relative price variability cannot be explained by monetary factors …
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-price changes, and an index of equiproportional changes in all inflation rates, that we label "pure" inflation. The paper estimates … changes to fundamental economic shocks. We use the estimates of the pure inflation and aggregate relative-price components to … answer two questions. First, what share of the variability of inflation is associated with each component, and how are they …
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A price dispersion equation is tested with data from the German hyper-inflation. The equation is derived from a version …
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We provide theory and evidence that relative price shocks can cause aggregate inflation and act as aggregate supply … on U.S. core inflation while depressing U.S. real activity. In a two-sector monetary model with upstream and downstream … predictions. Motivated by post-COVID inflation in the U.S., a model experiment shows that a one-time relative price shock …
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Biofuel production is being promoted through various policies such as mandates and tax credits. This paper uses a dynamic, spatial, multi-market equilibrium model, Biofuel and Environmental Policy Analysis Model (BEPAM), to estimate the effects of these policies on cropland allocation, food and...
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This paper examines the price impact and the predictability of the exchange rate movement using the transaction data recorded in the electronic broking system of the spot foreign exchange market. The number of actual deals at the ask (or bid side) for a specified time interval may be regarded as...
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We develop equilibrium models of an exhaustible resource market where both prices and extraction choices are determined endogenously. Our analysis highlights a role for adjustment costs in generating price dynamics that are consistent with observed oil and gas forward prices as well as with the...
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It is often asserted that consumers undervalue future gasoline costs relative to purchase prices when they choose between automobiles, or equivalently that they have high "implied discount rates" for these future energy costs. We show how this can be tested by measuring whether relative prices...
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Using annual IMS data from 1990 to 1996, we examine empirically whether whether elderly-nonelderly price inflation … point in the distribution chain, there are no differences in price inflation for the aggregate of drugs destined for use by …), antidepressants (ADs) and calcium channel blockers (CCBs). For ABs, since 1992 elderly price inflation is somewhat greater than for …
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on correlations between inflation and its moments goesback over thirty years, and was first used to reject the … independence of relative price changes and inflation that is assumed in neo- classical models. More recently, New Keynesian … macroeconomists have shown that the strong positive correlation between inflation and the skewness of the price change distribution is …
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