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This paper proposes a method of testing whether a time series is a martingale. The procedure develops an asymptotic … theory for the shape of the spectral distribution function of the first differences. Under the null hypothesis, this shape … against particular alternatives. Application of the test to stock prices finds some evidence against the random walk theory …
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How do Bitcoin prices evolve? What are the consequences for monetary policy? We answer these questions in a novel, yet simple endowment economy. There are two types of money, both useful for transactions: Bitcoins and Dollars. A central bank keeps the real value of Dollars constant, while...
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a zero mean martingale difference against the alternative that it is linearly predictable. Under the null of no …
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In an earlier paper, we showed that the value of shadow prices depends on how the government contemplates re- equilibrating the economy to the perturbation associated with any project, except in the extreme case where the government has chosen all policy instruments optimally. Only under...
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We establish that the recursive, state-space methods of Kalman filtering and smoothing can be used to implement the Doan, Litterman, and Sims (1983) approach to econometric forecast and policy evaluation. Compared with the methods outlined in Doan, Litterman, and Sims, the Kalman algorithms are...
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This paper develops a general methodology for analyzing shadow wage (and other shadow prices). Our approach is to identify those reduced form relationships describing the economy which are central to the determination of the shadow wage, and use these to obtain simple formulae for the shadow...
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We outline a method to provide advice on optimal monetary policy while taking policymakers' judgment into account. The method constructs Optimal Policy Projections (OPPs) by extracting the judgment terms that allow a model, such as the Federal Reserve Board's FRB/US model, to reproduce a...
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finer characteristics of these components such as the degree of activity of the jumps. We extend the existing theory to …
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article establishes a martingale representation for matching estimators. This representation allows the use of martingale … the theory, we derive the asymptotic distribution of a matching estimator when matching is carried out without replacement …
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This paper analyzes data on a large sample of research and development (R&D) projects documented in the Defense Department's Independent R&O Data Bank, both to provide some stylized facts about R&O investment at the project level and to test the implications of a control-theoretical model...
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