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This paper evaluates the sources of transitory market power in the market for personal computers (PCs) during the late 1980's. Our analysis is motivated by the coexistence of low entry barriers into the PC industry and high rates of innovative investment by a small number of PC manufacturers. We...
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This paper studies the behavior of newsstand prices for The Economist magazine in eight markets. Substantial variations in markups across markets are related to exchange rate fluctuations. Some of this variation can be traced to menu costs. However, much of the variation appears to result from...
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This paper develops a two-country macro model with endogenous tradability to study features of international economic integration. Recent episodes of integration in Europe and North America suggest some surprising observations: while quantities of trade have increased significantly, especially...
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This paper investigates how the tying of complementary products can be used to preserve and extend monopoly positions. We first show how a firm that is a monopolist of a product in the current period can use tying to preserve its monopoly position in future periods. We then show using related...
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condemnation of this practice has been the court's belief in what has come to be known as the "leverage theory" of tying: that is … power to foreclose sales in, and thereby monopolize, a second market. In recent years, however, the leverage theory has come … used by the critics of the leverage theory which all assume that the tied good market has a competitive, constant returns …
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perform in developed countries. We present a dynamic theory of commercial broadcasting where the media trade utility …
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We provide an empirical study of bundling in a supply chain, referred to as fullline forcing. We use an extensive dataset on contracts between video retailers and movie distributors to analyze the choices made on both sides of the market: which distributors offer full-line forcing contracts,...
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We investigate how banking relationships that combine lending and underwriting services affect the terms of lending, through both loan supply- and loan demand-side effects, and the underwriting costs of debt and equity issues. We capture and control for firm characteristics, including...
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This paper investigates the role of product upgrades and consumer switching costs in the tying of complementary products. Previous analyses of tying have found that a monopolist of one product cannot increase its profits and reduce social welfare by tying and monopolizing a complementary product...
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Consider two heterogenous populations of agents who, when matched, jointly produce an output, `Y`. For example, teachers and classrooms of students together produce achievement, parents raise children, whose life outcomes vary in adulthood, assembly plant managers and workers produce a certain...
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