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This paper develops a simple theory of capital controls as dynamic terms-of-trade manipulation. We study an infinite … relative strength of this desire between two consecutive periods. Specifically, it is optimal for the strategic country to tax … capital inflows (or subsidize capital outflows) if it grows faster than the rest of the world and to tax capital outflows (or …
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This paper analyzes the welfare implications of international spillovers related to productivity gains, changes in market size, or government spending. We introduce trade costs and endogenous varieties in a two-country general-equilibrium model with monopolistic competition, drawing a...
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In a standard two country international macro model we ask whether imposing restrictions on international non-contingent borrowing and lending is ever desirable. The answer is yes. If one country imposes capital controls unilaterally, it can generate favorable changes in the dynamics of...
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propagated abroad. In previous work, we built on the theory of rational bubbles to develop a framework to think about the origins …
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The paper studies the effects of tax policy on venture capital activity. Entrepreneurs pursue a single high risk … managerial advice. It considers dierential wage and capital income taxes, a comprehensive income tax, incomplete loss offset …
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$2.56 billion more than the $4.79 billion they raise in tax revenues. These taxes are raised from wireless consumers and … taxes. Prospective taxes will impose an efficiency loss of $0.72-$1.14 per additional dollar of tax revenue raised …
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We propose a model consistent with two observations. First, the tax rates adopted by different countries are generally … their growth performance. In our model, the effects of taxation on growth are highly non-linear. Low or moderate tax rates … have a very small impact on long-run growth rates. But as tax rates rise, their negative impact on growth rises …
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The traditional current account can be an inaccurate measure of the change in the net foreign asset (NFA) position. Using gross asset and liability positions at the country level, a number of 'valuation effects' have been identified which contribute to changes in NFA but do not enter the...
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Falling costs of coordination and communication have allowed firms in rich countries to fragment their production process and offshore an increasing share of the value chain to low-wage countries. Popular discussions about the aggregate impact of this phenomenon on rich countries have stressed...
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In models with recursive preferences, endogenous variation in Pareto weights would be interpreted as wedges from the perspective of a frictionless model with additive preferences. We describe the behavior of the (relative) Pareto weight in a two-country world and explore its interaction with...
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