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This study documents how job seekers update perceived job-finding prospects by unemployment duration and by learning about aggregate unemployment. We find that job seekers perceive an 18% decline in their job-finding probability for each additional month of unemployment, but perceive a higher...
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We estimate a structural model of job assignment in the presence of coordination frictions due to Shimer (2005). The coordination friction model places restrictions on the joint distribution of worker and firm effects from a linear decomposition of log labor earnings. These restrictions permit...
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implications of exchange rates, reporting that industry wages are significantly more responsive than industry employment. We offer … the main mechanism for exchange rate effects on wages occurs through job turnover and the strong consequences this has for … the wages of workers undergoing such job transitions. By contrast, workers who remain with the same employer experience …
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-Samuelson theory of expanded trade with countries that are abundant in less-skilled workers, as well as with some models of …
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Most governments are mandated to maintain their economies at full employment. We propose that the best marker of full employment is the efficient unemployment rate, u*. We define u* as the unemployment rate that minimizes the nonproductive use of labor--both jobseeking and recruiting. The...
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We consider a matching model of employment with wages that are flexible for new hires, but sticky within matches. We … depart from standard treatments of sticky wages by allowing effort to respond to the wage being too high or low. Shimer (2004 … flexibility in existing matches. But this is not true in our model. If wages of matched workers are stuck too high in a recession …
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How important is the exercise of classical monopsony power against labor for the level of wages and labor's share? We … examine this in the context of China and India - two large, rapidly-growing developing economies. Using theory, we develop a … novel screen to quantify how wages are affected by market power exerted in labor markets, either by a single firm or a group …
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We model worker heterogeneity in the rents from being employed in a Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model of matching and …
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construct a general equilibrium model where workers' reservation wages and the maximum punishment acceptable before workers quit … an adverse signal, and establishing conditions under which equilibrium entails lowering wages (performance contracting …-strategy equilibrium. The economy is, in general, not efficient either in the selection of the form of equilibrium or the wages paid within …
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