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This paper extends the class of stochastic volatility diffusions for asset returns to encompass Poisson jumps of time … as well as stochastic volatility with a pronounced negative relationship between return and volatility innovations. We …
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We exploit direct model-free measures of daily equity return volatility and correlation obtained from high …, solidify and extend existing characterizations of stock return volatility and correlation. We find that the unconditional … portfolio diversification when the market is most volatile. Our findings are broadly consistent with a latent volatility fact or …
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This paper studies three different measures of monthly stock market volatility: the time-series volatility of daily … market returns within the month; the cross-sectional volatility or 'dispersion' of daily returns on industry portfolios …, within the month. Over the period 1962-97 there has been a noticeable increase in firm-level volatility relative to market …
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volatility autocorrelation comes from the fundamental that the trading process is pricing or, is caused by the trading process … itself. Returns and volume data argue, in the context of our model, that persistent volatility is caused by traders … autocorrelation in volatility and volume on the time scale of the trading process which generates returns and volume data. Positive …
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This paper uses a log-linear asset pricing framework and a vector autoregressive model to break down movements in stock and bond returns into changes in expectations of future stock dividends, inflation, short-term real interest rates, and excess returns on stocks and bonds. In monthly postwar...
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It is sometimes argued that an increase in stock market volatility raises required stock returns, and thus lowers stock … for this volatility feedback effect. The resulting model is asymmetric, because volatility feedback amplifies large … for large crashes. The model also implies that volatility feedback is more important when volatility is high. In U …
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This paper introduces the News Impact Curve to measure how new information is incorporated into volatility estimates. A … shape of the News Impact Curve. New diagnostic tests are presented which emphasize the asymmetry of the volatility response …
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We characterize the joint dynamics of dividends, expected returns, stochastic volatility, and prices. In particular …, with a given dividend process, one of the processes of the expected return, the stock volatility, or the price …-dividend ratio fully determines the other two. For example, together with dividends, the stock volatility process fully determines …
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, volatility and stock returns. To do this, we use a large sample of individual accounts over a six-year period in the 1990's in …
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that, after monetary policy announcements, the conditional volatility rises more for firms with stickier prices than for …
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