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Security markets between generations are incomplete due to a biological trading constraint' that prevents living generations from negotiating contingent contracts with the unborn. This paper shows, however, that government policy can be used to replicate the trades that would have occurred if...
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In this paper we explore the efficiency gains from the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and prospective tax reforms, separating out the intersectoral and intertemporal efficiency consequences. To assess these effects, we employ a general equilibrium model that considers the effects of taxes on the...
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Going from low inflation to price stability involves a short term loss (associated with the" higher unemployment rate required to reduce the inflation) and results in a series of welfare gains" in all future years. The primary source of these gains is the reduction in the distortions that...
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This paper analyzes the implications of alterative risk assumptions for estimates of the distorting effects of the corporate tax in Canada. These distortions are decomposed into three broad categories: inter-asset distortions; inter-industry distortions; and inter-temporal distortions. Estimates...
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simultaneously the different distortions associated with capital income taxation (across sectors, across assets and across time) yet … simple enough to yield intuitive analytical results as well. The main result is that uniform capital income taxation is … almost certainly suboptimal, theoretically, but that empirically, optimal deviations from uniform taxation are …
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This paper uses a general equilibrium model to simulate both the effects of a preferential capital-gains tax rate on total income tax revenues and the effects of a revenue-neutral substitution between a capital gains preference and marginal income tax rates on economic efficiency and the...
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This paper studies how capital market imperfections affect the welfare effects of forming a currency union. The analysis considers a bank-only world where intermediaries compete in Cournot fashion and monitoring and state verification are costly. The first part determines the credit market...
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This paper characterizes the allocations that emerge in general equilibrium economies populated by households with preferences of the additive random utility type that make discrete consumption, employment or spatial decisions. We start with a complete markets economy where households can trade...
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these two views of dividend taxation. By extending Tobin's "q" theory of investment to incorporate taxes at both the … views may be tested by comparing the performance of investment equations estimates under each theory's predict ions. British …
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This paper analyzes the effects of dividend taxation on corporate behavior using the large tax cut on individual …). These findings show that principal-agent issues play a central role in corporate responses to taxation …
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