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. While both economic and deterrence variables are important in explaining the decline in crime, the contribution of …
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Crime Victimization Survey, to produce the first systematic estimates of the net effects of gun prevalence on residential …
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is found to be almost as effective in reducing violent and property crime as locking up other types of offenders. We …
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deterrence' to crime: the threat of future adverse effects on employment payoffs when caught committing crimes reduces the … dynamic deterrence will be less effective in fighting crime. This suggests that prevention is more powerful than redemption …
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Does the economic model of optimal punishment explain the variation in the sentencing of murderers? As the model predicts, we find that murderers with a high expected probability of recidivism receive longer sentences. Sentences are longest in murder types where apprehension rates are low, and...
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This paper presents a new, dynamic economic model of criminal activity. Individuals are endowed with legal and criminal human capital. Potential incomes in legal and criminal sectors depend on the level of the relevant human capital, the rate of return, and random shocks. Both types of human...
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Inthis paper, the relationship between unemployment and property crime is investigated in the context of dynamic system … robbery, which is the most serious property crime. Unemployment by race (white, black, and Hispanic) also supports the above … finding. In general, the linkage between unemployment rate and property crime seems to become stronger as the degree of …
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a model of the adjustment of sentences assuming that the state's objective is the optimal deterrence of crime. In the …
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We study desensitization to crime in a lab experiment by showing footage of criminal acts to a group of subjects, some … control before and after treated participants watch a series of real, crime-related videos (while the control group watches … non-crime-related videos). Not previously victimized participants exposed to the treatment video show significant changes …
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literature on the economics of crime. The main objective of this paper is twofold: to extend the "market for offenses model" to … deal with both "product" and "factor" markets, and to apply it to the case where guns are used for crime commission by … offenders and for self-protection by potential victims. Our analysis offers new insights about the association between crime and …
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