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We set-up a real business cycle model with search and matching frictions driven by several shocks, which nests full … and Sweden). We conduct inference with mixed frequency data, combining quarterly series for unemployment, vacancies, GDP …, consumption, and investment, with annual data on unemployment flows. Parameters and shocks are estimated separately for each …
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This paper develops a framework for analyzing unemployment in terms of …distribution of the inflow Into unemployment are the primary determinant of …drive the recession. In contrast to normal unemployment, cyclical unemployment …
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-cycle-frequency fluctuations in unemployment and job vacancies in response to shocks of a plausible magnitude. In the U.S., the vacancy-unemployment … vacancy-unemployment ratio and labor productivity have nearly the same variance. I establish this claim both using analytical … small movement along a downward sloping Beveridge curve (unemployment-vacancy locus). A shock to the job destruction rate …
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Unemployment arises from frictions in the matching of job-seekers and employers. The level of resources that employers … devote to evaluating applicants for jobs is a key factor in the magnitude of the frictions. Unemployment will be low if …-selection by job-seekers, so that they apply mainly for jobs where they are qualified, friction and thus unemployment will be low …
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workers move between unemployment, employment and across different firms is endogenous because search is directed and, hence …
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This paper introduces a labor force participation choice into a labor market matching model embedded in a dynamic …. Amongst the counterfactual implications are very low volatility of tightness, procyclical unemployment, and a positively …
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We model worker heterogeneity in the rents from being employed in a Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model of matching and … unemployment. We show that heterogeneity, reflecting differences in match quality and worker assets, reduces the extent of … fluctuations in separations and unemployment. We find that the model faces a trade-off--it cannot produce both realistic dispersion …
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Search theory routinely assumes that decisions about the acceptance/rejection of job offers (and, hence, about labor market movements between jobs or across employment states) are made by individuals acting in isolation. In reality, the vast majority of workers are somewhat tied to their...
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How do inflation expectations affect the job search behavior of workers when wages are set in nominal terms? A canonical job search model incorporating nominal wage rigidities implies that on-the-job search should increase and reservation wages should decrease with expected inflation. Higher...
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Over the last century, unemployment, vacancy, job-finding and job-loss rates as well as the Beveridge curve have no … in which unemployment, vacancies, job-finding and job-loss rates are constant while the search technology improves over … that the quality of a firm-worker match is acceptable leading to a constant job-finding rate, unemployment, etc …
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