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In this note, we consider a broad class of network models where a large number of heterogeneous agents simultaneously … wide variety of heterogeneous agent economies - characterized by spatial, production, or social networks - yield …
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This paper presents and structurally estimates a model of endogenous network formation and legislative activity of … of Congress as exogenously given and instead embed it in a model of endogenous network formation useful for developing …
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environment (the voting function, the legislators' preferences and the social network topology), they are simple, monotonically …
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Many economic activities are embedded in networks: sets of agents and the (often) rivalrous relationships connecting …, among many, of networked economic activities. Motivated by the premise that networks' structures are consequential, this …, summary network parameters (e.g., the degree distribution or transitivity index); and (iii) empirical models of strategic …
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We develop a model of informal financial networks and present corroborating evidence by studying the role of …-developed capital markets, informal networks play an important role in controlling access to finance …
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We develop and analyze a tractable empirical model for strategic network formation that can be estimated with data from … a single network at a single point in time. We model the network formation as a sequential process where in each period …, the characteristics of the potential partner, and on features of the current state of the network, such as whether the two …
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We develop a theoretical model of security investments in a network of interconnected agents. Network connections … networks, is that because security investments create positive externalities on other agents, there will be underinvestment in … strategic substitutes. In a general (non-symmetric) network, this implies that underinvestment by some agents will encourage …
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We develop a model of a two-sided asset market in which trades are intermediated by dealers and are bilateral. Dealers compete to attract order flow by posting the terms at which they execute trades-- which can include prices, quantities, and execution speed--and investors direct their orders...
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Recent models and empirical work on network formation emphasize the importance of propinquity in producing strong …
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We develop and estimate a model of student study time on a social network. The model is designed to exploit unique data …: own study time may depend on friend study time in a heterogeneous manner. Social network data allow us to embed study time …
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