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This paper analyzes the determination of the optimal tariff under the assumption of Consistent Conjectural Variations (CCV). A general characterization of the CCV equilibrium is given. We show that (i) there are, in general, a multiplicity of such equilibria, and (ii) under certain restrictions,...
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failure to observe homogeneous product Bertrand oligopoly, while homogeneous product Cournot oligopoly has significant …
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oligopoly. This paper proposes a non-cooperative foundation for "Nash-in-Nash" bargaining that extends the Rubinstein (1982 …
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There has been a significant interest on a theoretical level in the application of supergames to oligopoly behavior …
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Using an aggregative games approach, we analyze horizontal mergers in a model of multiproduct-firm price competition with nested CES or nested logit demands. We show that the Herfindahl index provides an adequate measure of the welfare distortions introduced by market power, and that the induced...
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Precision medicines inherently fragment treatment populations, generating small-population markets, creating high-priced "niche busters" rather than broadly prescribed "blockbusters". It is plausible to expect that small markets will attract limited entry in which a small number of...
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This paper extends the static analysis of oligopoly structure into an infinite-horizon setting with sunk costs and …
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We present a dynamic quantity setting game, where players may continuously adjust their quantity targets, but incur convex adjustment costs when they do so. These costs allow players to use quantity targets as a partial commitment device. We show that the equilibrium path of such a game is...
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A central authority possessing tax and expenditure responsibilities can readily provide an efficient level of a public good. Absent a central authority, voluntary arrangements must replace coercive ones. Significant under-provision must be expected. International public goods are particularly...
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Discretionary policymaking can foster strategic complementarities between private sector decisions, thus leading to multiple equilibria. This article studies a simple example, originating with Kydland and Prescott, of a government which must decide whether to build a dam to prevent adverse...
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