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This paper introduces the News Impact Curve to measure how new information is incorporated into volatility estimates. A … shape of the News Impact Curve. New diagnostic tests are presented which emphasize the asymmetry of the volatility response …
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Do financial markets properly reflect leverage? Unlike Gomes and Schmid (2010) who examine this question with a structural approach (using long-term monthly stock characteristics), my paper examines it with a quasi-experimental approach (using short-term a discrete event). After a firm has...
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different, the risk dynamics share remarkably common features: PC1 shocks come solely from asset volatility, while PC2 shocks …
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around FOMC announcements. Further, both of these asset classes display heightened volatility relative to non … and is identified from excess volatility in the S&P 500 and various dollar exchange rates. A positive non-yield shock …
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We study strategic disclosure timing by correlated firms in the presence of risk-averse investors. Firms delay disclosures in the hope that positively correlated firms will announce especially good news and lift their own price. Risk premia rise before disclosures, drop when disclosures occur,...
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This paper relates jumps in high frequency stock prices to firm-level, industry and macroeconomic news, in the form of machine-readable releases from Thomson Reuters News Analytics. We find that most relevant news, both idiosyncratic and systematic, lead quickly to price jumps, as market...
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volatility. The news component of volatility is not positively autocorrelated on these dates, since the news is released at a … these announcement dates, and (2) the persistence pattern of daily volatility is quite different around these days …
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We create a newspaper-based Equity Market Volatility (EMV) tracker that moves with the VIX and with the realized … volatility of returns on the S&P 500. Parsing the underlying text, we find that 72 percent of EMV articles discuss the … Macroeconomic Outlook, and 44 percent discuss Commodity Markets. Policy news is another major source of volatility: 35 percent of …
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shocks using methods from the news shocks literature, the analysis finds that innovations in realized stock market volatility … economy. Moreover, investors have historically paid large premia to hedge shocks to realized but not implied volatility. A … model in which fundamental shocks are skewed left can match those facts. Aggregate volatility matters, but it is the …
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We integrate a high-frequency monetary event study into a mixed-frequency macro-finance model and structural estimation …. The model and estimation allow for jumps at Fed announcements in investor beliefs, providing granular detail on why … financial market risk. However, the structural estimation also finds that much of the causal impact of monetary policy on …
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