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because of inconsistencies in revealed preferences across behavioral frames. We adapt theories of expected utility …
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The paper presents a general equilibrium model of a pure exchange economy with stochastic endowment in which speculation is profitable and stabilizes prices, but is useless from a welfare point of view. Reconciling the Siegel paradox with the theory of incomplete markets we show that banning...
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This paper investigates the dynamic behavior of an economy with multiple Nash equilibria. The first part of the paper analyzes an abstract game exhibiting multiple equilibria. A history dependent selection criterion is proposed which induces correlated behavior in equilibrium even though agents...
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This paper analyzes the determination of the optimal tariff under the assumption of Consistent Conjectural Variations (CCV). A general characterization of the CCV equilibrium is given. We show that (i) there are, in general, a multiplicity of such equilibria, and (ii) under certain restrictions,...
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Discretionary policymaking can foster strategic complementarities between private sector decisions, thus leading to multiple equilibria. This article studies a simple example, originating with Kydland and Prescott, of a government which must decide whether to build a dam to prevent adverse...
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We develop a new model of quality to capture the idea that even if a customer chooses to purchase a product, it may fail to deliver.' In this event, the customer may wish to choose some other product. We model this as a two stage game where firms first choose quality and then price. We find that...
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, the expected utility of every type converges to the expected utility of the type with the lowest possible cost, which is … the same expected utility when there is no free rider problem, i.e., when there is only a single player in the game and …
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wealth into the utility function; the justification is that wealth is a marker of social status, and people value status …. Since people partly save to accrue social status, the Euler equation is modified. As a result, when the marginal utility of …
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income. Stratification and sorting often manifest state-dependent preferences in which the marginal utility of income … before location is chosen, the a priori von Neuman-Morgenstern utility function over both choices can take the Friedman …
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This paper studies household asset demands by allowing certain assets to contribute directly to utility. It estimates … the parameters of an aggregate utility function which includes both consumption and liquidity services.These liquidity …
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