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In the past two decades, a number of banks joined global initiatives aimed to mitigate climate change by "greening" their asset portfolios. We study whether banks that made such commitments have a different emission exposure of their portfolios of syndicated loans than banks that did not. We...
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investments to underperform the market. Between mid-2021 and late-2022, the average expected 10-year annualized return of ESG … ESG return expectations and their motives for ESG investing: 45% of survey respondents do not see any reason to invest in … motivated by return expectations. Third, there is a link between individuals' reported ESG investment motives and their actual …
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We document that investors derive nonpecuniary utility from investing in dual-objective VC funds, thus sacrificing returns. Impact funds earn 4.7 percentage points (ppts) lower IRRs ex post than traditional VC funds. In random utility/willingness-to-pay (WTP) models investors accept 2.5-3.7 ppts...
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risk-sharing. General equilibrium models and consumption data tend to find that the costs are small, typically less than … higher variability of stocks, and/or (b) the higher degree of risk aversion required to reconcile an international equity …
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We establish that the risk-return tradeoff of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum) is distinct from those …
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global macroeconomic fundamental risk. The risk factor is the cross-country high-minus-low conditional skewness of the …
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We find that money managers could reduce portfolio risk by incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG …) criteria into their investment process. ESG-related issues can cause sudden regulatory changes and shifts in consumer tastes …, resulting in large asset price swings which leave investors limited time to react. By incorporating ESG criteria in their …
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This paper explores the behavior of daily, international portfolio flows into and out of 46 countries from 1994 through 1998. Our data are from State Street Bank & Trust and encompass over 3 million trades by client institutions. We find a number of interesting facts. First, we detect regional...
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unconditional mean- variance efficiency of a world market portfolio, our evidence indicates that the tests are low in power, and the … world market betas do not provide a good explanation of cross-sectional differences in average returns. Multiple beta models …
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Using a continuous-time finance-theoretic framework, this paper presents the optimal portfolio rule of an international investor who consumes N national composite goods and who holds N domestic-currency-denominated assets with known nominal interest rates in an environment where prices of goods,...
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