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This paper analyzes the effects of fixed-term contracts using a version of the Lucas and Prescott island model with undirected search. A fixed-term contract of length J is modeled as a tax on separations of workers with tenure higher than J . While in principle these policies require a very...
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This paper uses the Italian Social Security employer-employee panel to study the effects of the Italian reform of 1990 on worker and job flows. We exploit the fact that this reform increased unjust dismissal costs for firms below 15 employees, while leaving dismissal costs unchanged for bigger...
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We measure the effect of unemployment benefit duration on employment. We exploit the variation induced by the decision …
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We exploit a policy discontinuity at U.S. state borders to identify the labor market implications of unemployment … search decisions by the unemployed – the micro effect – we are guided by equilibrium labor market theory and focus on …, and a rise in unemployment. …
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Using two large US surveys, we estimate the effects of unemployment on the subjective well-being of the unemployed and … the rest of the population. For the unemployed, the non-pecuniary costs of unemployment are several times as large as … still employed, a one percentage point increase in local unemployment has an impact on well-being roughly equivalent to a …
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decreases unemployment (UI) claims and benefits. These experiments were designed to explicitly test claims based on non …
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-varying tax which is used to finance a fringe benefit. While we use data from the experience-rated unemployment insurance (UI …
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the unemployment insurance (UI) system in providing a safety net during periods of unemployment. Recent welfare reform …
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This paper examines unemployment duration and the incidence of claims following a 36 percent increase in the maximum …
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We examine the extent to which unemployment insurance (UI) insures workers against unforeseen events or subsidizes …
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