Showing 1 - 10 of 215
Berlin is a creative city attracting talent from around the world. The Berlin Senate has made great strides in … outcomes. How can Berlin’s higher education institutions capitalise on their long tradition of professionally relevant learning … policy measures and institutional reforms to mobilise higher education for Berlin’s development. It is part of the series of …
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This review discusses the challenges and opportunities of German rural areas. Significant differences between East and West persist and many of these have clear rural dimensions. Factors such as CAP reforms, ageing of the German population and migration trends will also have important rural...
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This review of Germany's environmental conditions and policies evaluates progress in reducing the pollution burden, improving natural resource management, integrating environmental and economic policies, and strengthening international co-operation. The analyses presented are supported by a...
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Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs. Germany has a very well developed and widely respected VET system with a strong dual component integrating learning in schools...
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This report surveys the legal provisions and the institutions in place in Germany to combat bribery of foreign public officials and evaluates their effectiveness. It examines the mechanisms introduced, in both the public and private sectors, to prevent and detect acts of bribery of foreign...
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This publication provides comprehensive information on the regulatory and institutional frameworks governing nuclear activities in Germany. It examines the general regulatory regime, including mining, radioactive substances and equipment, nuclear installations, trade in nuclear materials,...
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Recent reforms have put Germany among the OECD countries with the fewest restrictions on labour migration for highly-skilled occupations, yet inflows continue to be relatively low. As labour migration is supposed to be one means to help meet future labour and skill shortages caused by a...
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