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Vom 9. bis 10. Dezember 1996 fand in Wien ein Seminar statt, das sich mit dem Umstellungsprozess der Banken der Transformationsländer befaßte. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt befanden sich Rumänien und Bulgarien in schwerwiegenden Reformproblemen, zu deren Lösung dieses Diskussionsforum beitragen...
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also known as the equity multiplier ratio (or financial leverage). The banking sector covers the central bank, and monetary …
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in Paris in June 1999. The Forum was created by the Asian Development Bank and the OECD Development Centre as an annual …
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This comparative table includes statistics on geographical distribution of financial flows with a focus on deflators comprising the effect of exchange rate changes which pertain both to resource flows for individual DAC Members as well as Total DAC deflator. Data are available from 1960 onwards.
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Achieving Financial Stability in Asia sets out to identify the elements which could restore confidence to the countries of the region and stabilise financial flows on a global basis. Thus, measures must be taken which include improving public and corporate governance, strengthening democracy and...
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This comparative table includes statistics on geographical distribution of financial flows with a focus on deflators comprising the effect of exchange rate changes which pertain both to resource flows for individual DAC Members as well as Total DAC deflator. Data are available from 1960 onwards.
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This comparative table includes statistics on geographical distribution of financial flows with a focus on deflators comprising the effect of exchange rate changes which pertain both to resource flows for individual DAC Members as well as Total DAC deflator. Data are available from 1960 onwards.
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This comparative table includes statistics on geographical distribution of financial flows with a focus on deflators comprising the effect of exchange rate changes which pertain both to resource flows for individual DAC Members as well as Total DAC deflator. Data are available from 1960 onwards.
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