Showing 1 - 10 of 61
Regulation is one of the key tools governments can use to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and move towards recovery. While the pandemic underscores the need for well-designed, evidence-based regulatory policies, the extraordinary pressures it imposed often forced governments to shorten...
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A first step to implement effective migrant integration policies is to know who does what in policy sectors key to integration. Responding to this need, this paper offers policy makers a tool to understand the organisation of public action in key sectors for integration - Employment, Education,...
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Comprehensive and coordinated action across levels of government responsible for different policy domains (labour, education, housing and welfare/health) as well as across local actors is crucial to migrant integration. To respond to this need for co-ordination, different policy instruments are...
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Este relatório resume os resultados do trabalho de colaboração entre a OCDE e o PlanAPP, o Centro de Competências em Planeamento, Políticas e Prospetiva da Administração Pública em Portugal. Apresenta as principais conclusões e recomendações do projeto em quatro áreas estratégicas...
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This report summarises the results of collaborative work carried out by OECD and PlanAPP, the Competence Centre for Planning, Policy, and Foresight in Public Administration in Portugal. It presents the main findings and recommendations on four strategic priorities for the country: i)...
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This Policy Insights examines the well-being of children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds in comparison to their more advantaged peers. It shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to experience poor material outcomes, poor health, and worse education,...
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Childhood socio-economic disadvantage has significant lifelong consequences that limit opportunities and lead to economic and social costs for both individuals and societies. Disadvantaged children often fall behind in skills development, experience poorer physical and mental health, and face...
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Grandir dans un environnement socio-économique défavorisé a des effets importants tout au long de la vie d'un enfant, qui limitent ses opportunités et entraînent des coûts économiques et sociaux tant pour lui que pour la société dans son ensemble. Les enfants issus de ménages...
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Cette synthèse examine le bien-être des enfants issus de milieux socio-économiquement défavorisés par rapport à leurs pairs plus aisés. Il montre que les enfants issus de milieux défavorisés sont plus susceptibles d'avoir des résultats matériels médiocres, une mauvaise santé et une...
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Cette synthèse fait le point sur les initiatives récentes des pays de l'OCDE visant à renforcer l'intégration des politiques en faveur du bien-être de l'enfant. Elle expose les défis auxquels sont confrontés les pays qui s'efforcent de faire avancer l'agenda politique du bien-être de...
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