Showing 1 - 10 of 73
What can further market integration contribute to growth and employment? A series of hypothetical trade reform scenarios explores what countries at different levels of development can expect to gain from reforming tariffs, non-tariff barriers, trade facilitation and domestic support to...
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Alors que le coût de la vie augmente, que les écarts de salaires s’intensifient et que la pauvreté des travailleurs est un problème généralisé, le concept de salaire vital a connu un regain de popularité. Cette synthèse présente et contextualise le concept de salaire vital. Elle met...
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This Policy Insights examines the well-being of children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds in comparison to their more advantaged peers. It shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to experience poor material outcomes, poor health, and worse education,...
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Childhood socio-economic disadvantage has significant lifelong consequences that limit opportunities and lead to economic and social costs for both individuals and societies. Disadvantaged children often fall behind in skills development, experience poorer physical and mental health, and face...
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Grandir dans un environnement socio-économique défavorisé a des effets importants tout au long de la vie d'un enfant, qui limitent ses opportunités et entraînent des coûts économiques et sociaux tant pour lui que pour la société dans son ensemble. Les enfants issus de ménages...
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Cette synthèse examine le bien-être des enfants issus de milieux socio-économiquement défavorisés par rapport à leurs pairs plus aisés. Il montre que les enfants issus de milieux défavorisés sont plus susceptibles d'avoir des résultats matériels médiocres, une mauvaise santé et une...
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At a time of rising cost of living, wide wage inequalities and widespread in-work poverty, the demand for a living wage has heightened. This Policy Insights introduces and contextualises the concept of a living wage. It also highlights the key measurement assumptions and criteria that underlie...
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Growing up in socio-economic disadvantage has important and long-lasting effects on children’s lives. Children from disadvantaged households often fall behind in many areas of well-being and development, with effects that continue to limit their opportunities and outcomes – including their...
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This paper explores the role of social vouchers as a tool for social inclusion and local development. It presents a typology of vouchers and their objectives, governing institutional and regulatory frameworks, use by national and local governments, and the social economy (Section1). It analyses...
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En este documento se estudia el papel de los bonos sociales como instrumento para la inclusión social y el desarrollo local. El documento presenta una tipología de los bonos y sus objetivos, de los marcos institucionales y regulatorios vigentes, del uso que hacen de ellos los gobiernos locales...
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