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The OECD Key Indicators of Informality based on Individuals and their Households (KIIbIH) database provides comparable indicators and harmonised data on informal employment, well-being of informal workers and their dependents. It currently covers 42 countries across North and sub-Saharan Africa,...
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At a time of rising cost of living, wide wage inequalities and widespread in-work poverty, the demand for a living wage has heightened. This Policy Insights introduces and contextualises the concept of a living wage. It also highlights the key measurement assumptions and criteria that underlie...
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Avec les mutations économiques et technologiques enregistrées au cours des dernières décennies, les perspectives économiques individuelles sont aujourd’hui plus incertaines qu’autrefois. La présente synthèse résume les principales conclusions du rapport Un équilibre précaire ?...
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Over the past few decades, economies and technologies have shifted in ways that have made people’s economic prospects more uncertain. This Policy Insights highlights the main findings from On Shaky Ground? Income Instability and Economic Insecurity in Europe, the inaugural report of the OECD...
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Alors que le coût de la vie augmente, que les écarts de salaires s’intensifient et que la pauvreté des travailleurs est un problème généralisé, le concept de salaire vital a connu un regain de popularité. Cette synthèse présente et contextualise le concept de salaire vital. Elle met...
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In Ländern mit schwachen staatlichen Institutionen nehmen informelle Institutionen und Regeln oft eine wichtige Stellung ein. Dazu gehören Familien- und Verwandschaftsstrukturen, Traditionen und soziale Normen. Wie können diese in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit genutzt werden, um zu einer...
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The OECD’s dataset on socio-demographic information accompanying the distributional information presents socio-demographic characteristics of the individuals and households included in the various household groups as distinguished in the dataset on distributional information on household...
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The OECD Key Indicators of Informality based on Individuals and their Households (KIIbIH) database provides comparable indicators and harmonized data on informal employment, well-being of informal workers and their dependents. It currently covers 42 countries across North and sub-Saharan Africa,...
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Informal institutions — family and kinship structures,traditions, and social norms — not only matter for development, but they are often decisive factors in shaping policy outcomes in environments of weak states and poor governance structures. Based on concrete examples in the areas of...
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