Showing 1 - 10 of 217
Questo documento esplora e classifica alcune delle politiche più comuni tra i responsabili politici nazionali, regionali e locali durante o prima della pandemia di COVID-19 per rendere praticabile, promuovere e sfruttare al meglio il telelavoro. Vengono inoltre analizzate alcune misure miranti...
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This paper explores and classifies some of the most common policy options adopted by national, regional and local policy makers in the context of or prior to the COVID-19 pandemic to enable, encourage and make the most of teleworking. It also considers efforts to foster the attraction and...
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This paper analyses changes in the quality of the working environment in fifteen European Union countries between 1995 and 2015, using self-reported data from the European Working and Living Conditions Survey. It finds that, although in 1995, the self-employed reported inferior working...
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This report, part of the “Cities” collection, analyses the spatial distribution of formal enter¬prises and health … the potential for economic development throughout the country. The mapping of health infrastructure shows that border …. The report identifies several regions in which closer co-operation could favour the establishment of cross-border health …
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Wie werden wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklungen die Umwelt bis 2050 beeinflussen? Welche Maßnahmen sind nötig, um den wichtigsten ökologischen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, und mit welchen Konsequenzen müssen wir im Falle von politischer Untätigkeit rechnen? Der Umweltausblick liefert...
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