Showing 41 - 50 of 90
Experience shows that there is often ample room for more effective and efficient use of investment tax incentives in low-income countries. Tax incentives generally rank low in investment climate surveys in low-income countries, and there are many examples in which they are reported to be...
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S’inspirant d’un important séminaire organisé récemment par l’OCDE, l’OIM et la Banque Mondiale qui réunissait plus de trois cents responsables des échanges et des migrations, cet ouvrage se penche sur les enjeux des discussions actuelles sur les échanges et les migrations relevant...
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Este informe conjunto de la OCDE y el Banco Mundial, entrega una breve visión de la educación post-secundaria en Chile y describe su desarrollo en los últimos veinte años. Presenta un análisis del sistema, identifica direcciones clave para reformar las políticas a la luz de los desafíos...
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This report draws a range of new analyses and case studies carried out in preparation for the Accra High-Level Forum held in September 2008. It it is organized into four parts. Part 1 examines trends in aid for health from a global perspective, focusing both on how increases in aid finance have...
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This joint publication of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat) and the World Bank complements the recommendations of the System of National Accounts, 1993...
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The Bío Bío Region has pioneered regional development in Chile. It has a high concentration of higher education and research activity. Its universities and other higher education institutions have made significant progress in widening access to education. But challenges remain: the Bío Bío...
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La educación superior transfronteriza está emergiendo para convertirse en un fenómeno fascinante pero muy complejo. La movilidad de estudiantes, de profesores, de conocimiento e incluso valores ha sido por siglos parte de la educación superior, pero esta ha crecido a un ritmo sin...
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La educación ha sido una prioridad central para Chile desde hace mucho tiempo y un factor clave para su desarrollo económico. Durante las dos últimas décadas, el país ha hecho un gran esfuerzo por aumentar el número de jóvenes que acceden a la educación superior. En 2008, Chile lanzó...
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This joint OECD-World Bank stocktaking exercise of social accountability (SA) initiatives in OECD member countries contributes to the global exchange of policy relevant knowledge. The stocktaking exercise produced 40 templates detailing social accountability initiatives in 27 OECD countries and...
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Ces dernières années, l’aide en faveur de la santé a plus que doublé pour s’établir d’après des sources gouvernementales et privées, autour de 16.7 milliards dollars des ÉU en 2006. Cette aide donne des résultats tangibles, épargnant la vie de millions d’individus et...
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