Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Pakistan. This paper utilizes Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Hetroskedasticity (GARCH) model to estimate volatility in …
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heteroscedasticity (GARCH) measure of real exchange rate volatility, the findings show that exchange rate volatility depresses exports in …
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the GARCH by developed Engle and Bollerslev (1986) and EGARCH by Nelson (1991) methodologies, the paper empirically …
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In this paper we contribute several new results on the NoVaS transformation approach for volatility forecasting introduced by Politis (2003a,b, 2007). In particular: (a) we introduce an alternative target distribution (uniform); (b) we present a new method for volatility forecasting using NoVaS...
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Portuguese Stock Index PSI-20. By using simple GARCH, GARCH-M, Exponential GARCH (EGARCH) and Threshold ARCH (TARCH) models, we …
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, there have been no studies which have used the GARCH methodology to study export volatility. This paper fills the void. It …
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This paper is focused on the historical development of selected exchange rates' volatility, that is: AUD, CAD, DEM, DKK, EUR, FRF, GBP, JPY, SEK and CHF against USD. The paper aims to show that relatively large increment of exchange markets' volatility is nothing special in the historical...
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This paper presented the empirical results of the volatility transmission of overnight rate along the yield curve in case of Pakistan. The results indicate that the volatility transmission of overnight repo rate is higher at the shorter end of the yield curve while lower at the longer end. These...
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by ARCH models. The volatility is measured by a linear GARCH and an EGARCH process. Our results suggests that EGARCH … provides better estimates than a linear standard GARCH model. The EGARCH also can capture most of the asymmetry, supporting the …
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Non-linearity is the general characteristic of financial series. Thus, common non-linear models such as GARCH, EGARCH … and TGARCH are used to obtain the volatility of data. in addition , continuous time GARCH (COGARCH) model that is the … extansion and analogue of the discrete time GARCH process, is the new approach for volatility and derivative pricing. COGARCH …
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