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This paper describes a new continuous-time principal-agent model, in which the output is a diffusion process with drift determined by the agent’s unobserved effort. The risk-averse agent receives consumption continuously. An optimal contract, based on the agent’s continuation value...
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In a dynamic asset pricing model informed traders receive a noisy signal of the value of a risky asset while uninformed traders learn to extract the information from the price. The relative popularity of the two strategies depends on past performance. An "intensity of choice" parameter is...
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\tTraders in this model of an asset market have the opportunity to conduct individual research to acquire a noisy signal of a security's future value, or they can employ least-squares learning in an attempt at extracting the private information of other traders through observing the price. For a...
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While under recursive least squares learning the dynamics of the economy converges to rational expectations equilibria (REE) which are E–stable, some recent examples propose that E–stability is not a sufficient condition for learnability. In this paper, we provide some further...
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Emprical studies of hyperinflations reveal that the rational expectations hypothesis fails to hold. To address this issue, we study a model of hyperinflation and learning in an attempt to better understand the volatility in movements of expectations, money, and prices. The findings surprisingly...
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We provide sufficient conditions and necessary conditions for stability of an economy under structural mixed recursive least squares/stochastic gradient heterogeneous learning of agents with possibly different degrees of inertia. We have found a unifying condition which is sufficient for...
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The assumption of perfectly rational representative agents is now commonly questioned. This paper explores the equilibrium properties of boundedly rational heterogeneous agents. We combine an adaptive learning process in a modified cobweb model within a Stackleberg framework. We assume that...
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In this paper we perform an in—depth investigation of relative merits of two adaptive learning algorithms with constant gain, Recursive Least Squares (RLS) and Stochastic Gradient (SG), using the Phelps model of monetary policy as a testing ground. The behavior of the two learning...
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This paper introduces model uncertainty into a simple Lucas-type monetary model. Inflation depends on agents' expectations and a vector of exogenous random variables. Following (Branch and Evans 2004) agents are assumed to underparameterize their forecasting models. A Misspecification...
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This paper studies a game theoretic model where agents choose between two updating rules to predict a future endogenous variable. Agents rationally choose between these predictors based on relative performance. Conditions for evolutionary stability and stability under learning are found for the...
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