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volatility and long-term trend are driven by an external stochastic factor process. The robust utility functional is defined in …
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GARCH models are widely used in financial econometrics. However, we show by mean of a simple simulation example that the GARCH approach may lead to a serious model misspecification if the assumption of stationarity is violated. In particular, the well known integrated GARCH effect can be...
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autoregressive processes revealing time-varying stochastic volatility. The factor volatilities capture risk inherent to the term … additional determinants of future excess returns. Finally, we illustrate that the yield and volatility factors are closely …
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heteroscedasticity of the structural volatility innovations, and estimation takes place in an appropriately specified state space setup …Information ows across international financial markets typically occur within hours, making volatility spillover appear … contemporaneous in daily data. Such simultaneous transmission of variances is featured by the stochastic volatility model developed in …
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In this paper, we study the dynamic interdependencies between high-frequency volatility, liquidity demand as well as …. Liquidity is causal for future volatility but not vice versa. Furthermore, trade sizes are negatively driven bypast trading …
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Measuring and modeling financial volatility is the key to derivative pricing, asset allocation and risk management. The … the daily or lower frequency volatility can be obtained by summing over squared high-frequency returns. In turn, this so …{called realized volatility can be used for more accurate model evaluation and description of the dynamic and distributional structure …
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, especially on the BS implied volatility. Implied binomialtrees (IBT) models capture the variations of the implied volatility … known as \volatility smile". They provide a discrete approximation to the continuous risk neutral process for the underlying … Barle and Cakici (BC). After the formation of IBT we can estimate the implied local volatility and thestate price density …
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financial forecasting. This paper deals with the application of SVR in volatility forecasting. Based on a recurrent SVR, a GARCH … to forecast financial markets volatility. The real data in this study uses British Pound-US Dollar (GBP) daily exchange …
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characterized by volatility clustering and asymmetry. Also revealed as a stylized fact is Long memory or long range dependence in … market volatility, with significant impact on pricing and forecasting of market volatility. The implication is that models … that accomodate long memory hold the promise of improved long-run volatility forecast as well as accurate pricing of long …
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In this paper we propose a Libor model with a high-dimensional speciallystructured system of driving CIR volatility …
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