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Socioeconomic Panel. Fitting a parametric Generalized Linear Model (GLM) yields nonlinear residual behavior. This finding is not …
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For over a decade, nonparametric modelling has been successfully applied to study nonlinear structures in financial time series. It is well known that the usual nonparametric models often have less than satisfactory performance when dealing with more than one lag. When the mean has an additive...
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to evidence for the US and the UK. Cross sectional data and calendar information from the German Socioeconomic Panel 1984 …
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imputed using a probit estimated on the German Socioeconomic Panel (GSOEP). Average wages of those classified as displaced …
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A major application of rescaled adjusted range analysis (RS analysis) is the study of price fluctuations in financial markets. There, the value of the Hurst constant, H, in a time series may be interpreted as an indicator of the irregularity of the price of a commodity, currency or similar...
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Let a process SI , ... ,ST obey the conditionally heteroskedastic equation St = Vt Et whcrc Et is a random noise and Vt is the volatility coefficient which in turn obeys an autoregression type equation log v t = w + a S t- l + nt with an additional noise nt. We consider the situation which the...
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Based on daily VDAX data this paper analyzes the factors governing the movements of implied volatilities of options on the German stock index DAX. Using Principal Components Analysis over the sample period from 1996 to 1997, we derive common factors representing "shift" and "curvature" of the...
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The impact of general and specific training on income and mobility is an important issue for the discussion around human capital as well as the design of educational systems. Using data from two retrospective life-history surveys this paper examines the impact of more general school-based...
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Credit scoring methods aim to assess the default risk of a potential borrower. This involves typically the calculation of a credit score and the estimation of the probability of default. One of the standard approaches is logistic discriminant analysis, also referred to as logit model. This model...
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We propose marginal integration estimation and testing methods for the coefficients of varying coefficient multivariate regression model. Asymptotic distribution theory is developed for the estimation method which enjoys the same rate of convergence as univariate function estimation. For the...
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