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asymptotic theory based on large aggregation intervals we derive conditions for a correspondence between both concepts. These … examining the consequences of temporal aggregation in (possibly) Granger causal systems of variables. Our approach is to compare … results allow us to differentiate between spurious contemporaneous correlation arising because of aggregation, and true …
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The impact of the choice of the lag length on tests for the number of cointegration relations in a vector autoregressive (VAR) process is investigated. It is shown that the asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio (LR) tests for the cointegrating rank remains unchanged if the true data...
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Testing the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive process with an intercept is considered. In addition to the likelihood ratio (LR) tests developed by Johansen and Juselius and others we also consider an alternative class of tests which is based on estimating the trend parameters of the...
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Tests for the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive process are considered which allow for possible exogenous shifts in the mean of the data generation process. The break points are assumed to be known a priori. It is proposed to estimate and remove the deterministic terms such as mean,...
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Two different types of tests for the cointegrating rank of VAR processes with a deterministic shift in the level have been proposed in the literature. The first proposal is based on the LR principle using a specific Gaussian model set-up. In the second proposal the time series are adjusted for...
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Unobserved heterogeneity is a serious but often neglected problem in structural equation modelling (SEM) challenging the validity of many empirical results. Recently, a finite mixture approach to SEM has been proposed to resolve this problem but until now only a few studies analyse the...
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Testing the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive process which may have a deterministic linear trend is considered. Previous proposals for dealing with such a situation are either to allow for a deterministic trend term in computing a suitable test statistic or else remove the linear...
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aggregated observations (see Working (1960)). This paper investigates the effect of aggregation on the relation between variables … (cointegration). It will be shown that aggregation does not distort the cointegration relation while some other features of the data … cointegration analysis seems to be robust against various aggregation strategies. -- cointegration ; aggregation ; time series …
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In this paper a Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is used to test the hypothesis r = r0 against the alternative r r0. Such a test flips the null and alternative hypotheses of Johansen's LR test and can be used jointly with the LR test to construct a confidence set for the cointegration rank....
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Likelihood ratio (LR) tests for the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive (VAR) process have been developed under different assumptions regarding deterministic terms. For instance, nonzero mean terms and linear trends have been accounted for in some of the tests. In this paper we provide...
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