Showing 1 - 10 of 242
To assess the predictive content of the interest rate term spread for future economic growth, we distinguish short … is proposed to test for causality at different forecast horizons. Second, the framework of Geweke (1982) and Hosaya (1991 …) is used to construct a simple test for causality in the frequency domain. This methodology is applied to investigate the …
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to construct a confidence set for the cointegration rank. As the latter test, our tests are based on the eigenvalues of a … to Johansen's LR tests for determining the cointegration rank. …
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Likelihood ratio (LR) tests for the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive (VAR) process have been developed under different assumptions regarding deterministic terms. For instance, nonzero mean terms and linear trends have been accounted for in some of the tests. In this paper we provide...
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The impact of the choice of the lag length on tests for the number of cointegration relations in a vector … simulation study we find that small sample power and size of LR cointegration tests strongly depend on the choice of the lag …
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Testing the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive process with an intercept is considered. In addition to the likelihood ratio (LR) tests developed by Johansen and Juselius and others we also consider an alternative class of tests which is based on estimating the trend parameters of the...
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cointegration tests are applied to the adjusted series. The resulting tests are shown to have known limiting null distributions …
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Testing the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive process which may have a deterministic linear trend is considered. Previous proposals for dealing with such a situation are either to allow for a deterministic trend term in computing a suitable test statistic or else remove the linear...
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Considering partially linear single-index errors-in-variables model which can be described as Y = n(X T a) + ZT ßo + e when the Z' s are measured with additive errors. The general estimators established in literature are biased when ignoring the measurement errors. We proposed two estimators in...
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We derive an asymptotic theory of nonparametric estimation for an nonlinear transfer function model Z(t) = f (Xt) + Wt … interpreted as a nonlinear cointegration type relationship, but we believe that our results have wider interest. The class of … properties f(x) are studied via a set of simulation experiments. -- cointegration ; nonstationary time series models ; null …
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