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This paper improves previous sufficient conditions for stationarity obtained in the context of a general nonlinear vector autoregressive model with nonlinear autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. The results are proved by using the stability theory developed for Markov chains....
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Cointegrated VARMA models can be parameterized by using the echelon form, which is characterized by the Kronecker indices. Three different methods for estimating the Kronecker indices of cointegrated echelon form VARMA models are discussed and compared. They have the common feature of estimating...
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We propose in this article a general time series model, whose components are modelled in terms of fractionally integrated processes. This specification allows us to consider the trend, the seasonal and the cyclical components as stochastic processes, including the unit root models as particular...
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We show in this article that fractionally integrated univariate models for GDP may lead to a better replication of business cycle characteristics. We firstly show that the business cycle features are clearly affected by the degree of integration as well as by the other short run components of...
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A test procedure based on ranks is suggested to test for nonlinear cointegration. For two (or more) time series it is … is no cointegration between the time series, the sequences of ranks tend to diverge, whereas under cointegration the … perform better than their parametric competitors. To test for nonlinear cointegration a variable addition test based on ranks …
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Testing the cointegrating rank of a vector autoregressive process with an intercept is considered. In addition to the likelihood ratio (LR) tests developed by Johansen and Juselius and others we also consider an alternative class of tests which is based on estimating the trend parameters of the...
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cointegration tests are applied to the adjusted series. The resulting tests are shown to have known limiting null distributions …
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We propose in this article the use of a particular version of the tests of Robinson (1994) for testing seasonally fractionally integrated processes. The tests have standard null and local limit distributions and allow us to test unit and fractional seasonal roots even with different amplitudes...
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the null hypothesis of no cointegration against alternatives which are fractionally cointegrated. Monte Carlo simulations … (EMH) ; Present Value (PV) models ; fractional cointegration …
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