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We consider simple models of financial markets with regular traders and insiders possessing some extra information … information drift, i.e. the drift to eliminate in order to preserve the martingale property in the insider's filtration, turns out … trace of the conditional laws of the insider information with respect to the filtration of the regular trader. Several …
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This paper analyzes a two-stage sealed-bid auction that is frequently employed in privatization, takeover, and merger and acquisition contests. This auction format yields the same expected revenue as the open ascending (English) auction, yet is less susceptible to preemptive bidding and...
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available information flow. This investor faces the opportunity to acquire some additional initial information G.. The … subjective fair value of this information for the investor is defined as the amount of money that he can pay for G such that this … initially enlarged filtrations. -- utility maximization ; value of information ; initial enlargement of filtrations ; Martingale …
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experiment of Berg, Dickhaut, and McCabe (1995). Another variation concerns the information about the multiplier of donations …
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provide information about other subjects' choices. There we find no false consensus effect. At an aggregate level, subjects … not provide information. …
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