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(EMH) ; Present Value (PV) models ; fractional cointegration …
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under which (i) investors invest in the fund if the realized return falls within some interval, i.e., is neither too low nor …
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For the Euro 2000 Soccer Championships an experimental asset market was condueted, with traders buying and selling contracts on the winners of individual matches. Market-generated probabilities are compared to professional bet quotas, and factors that are responsible for the quality of the...
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In a meta study of 25 political stock markets conducted in Germany in the last decade we analyze their predictive success. Although the predictions of political stock markets are highly correlated with the corresponding polls, the markets are able to aggregate additional information. One...
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According to the Sharpe-Lintner capital asset pricing model, expected rates of return on individual stocks differ only …" nonlinear model for the relationship between rates of return, beta, size and book-to-market. The model and corresponding … partial correlation with the stock return. In most of the annual regressions the corresponding coefficients have the correct …
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The efficient market hypothesis implies that asset prices cannot be cointegrated. On the other hand, arbitrage processes prevent prices of fundamentally related assets from drifting far away. An attractive model that reconciles these two conflicting facts is the nonlinear error correction...
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Political stock markets (PSM) are sometimes seen as substitutes for opinion polls. On the bases of a behavioral model, specific preconditions were drawn out under which manipulation in PSM can weaken this argument. Evidence for manipulation is reported from the data of two separate PSM during...
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-transaction duration process and vice versa. In order to solve the estimation problems implied by this interdependent formulation, we first … propose a GMM estimation procedure for the Autoregressive Conditional Duration model. The method is then extended to the … simultaneous estimation of the interdependent duration-volatility model. In an empirical application we utilize the model for an …
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exchange the paper compares estimation results of parametric and nonparametric autoregressive models with respect to possible … weekday dependence of return data. Allowing for heteroskedastic error distributions the wild bootstrap is used to infer … against time varying means and correlation of return data in parametric models and to obtain confidence bands for …
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