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scientific and technological knowledge from manufacturing, to the marketing and the strategic management of companies that act as … protagonists of these processes. Globalization of markets is inter-connected with intensive incorporation of knowledge in economy …. This study on “R&D, Innovation and Employment Creation” for the Portuguese Observatory of Employment and Vocational …
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organization, technology, infrastructures, product design). On the other hand, the capacity of innovation can be perceived by the … Portugal and other European countries, over all, during the decade of 90. An analysis for sector is made still. One verifies … Portugal, concluding that Portugal presents an enterprise structure predominantly based on small and very small companies, a …
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less industrialized member states of the European Union, specifically the case of Portugal, based on the report for the … considerations related to the socioeconomic factors affecting the prospects and conditions for APS in Portugal. APS is defined as a … stress the trends for the implementation and development of anthropocentric production systems in Portugal. …
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One can assist to significant changes in the organisation of manufacturing systems during the last years. Lean production, network enterprise or the virtual enterprises are reference concepts of the re-organisation of manufacturing systems. Some authors mention a new enterprise paradigm, of...
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Zielsetzung der Untersuchung ist es, die Charakteristika und Bestimmungsfaktoren für eine Existenzgründung von Freiberuflern und Unternehmern (sonstige Selbständige) in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland anhand des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP) für die Jahre 1991 bis 2001 aufzuzeigen. In...
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Currently distributed business process (re) design (resulting in components of business networks) basically relies on technical criteria. And that are the main purposes of most research projects supported by EC. Through the process of building a European Research Area, this means a strong...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht aus einer mikroökonomischen Perspektive die Determinanten des Einkommens aus einer freiberuflichen Tätigkeit. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Veröffentlichungen stützen sich die Analysen auf eine primär zu den Freien Berufen erhobene neue Datenbasis...
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Der Diskussion um neue Arbeitszeitarrangements und flexible Arbeitszeiten fehlt bislang die empirische Grundlage auf der Basis von personenbezogenen Mikrodaten. Gegenstand unserer Studie Arbeit ist es, Abweichungen vom Normalarbeitstag in zwei Dimensionen zu untersuchen: zum einen in der...
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Traditional welfare analyses based on money income needs to be broadened by its time dimension. In the course of time the traditional full-time work is diminishing and new labour arrangements are discussed (keyword: flexible labour markets). Our study is contributing to economic well-being by...
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European countries (Germany, Belgium and Portugal): shopfloor and production lines, design and management and the local inter …
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