Showing 1 - 10 of 97
This article offers a descriptive historical overview of changes in employment and remuneration in the services sector during the 1984-1997 period. Changes in full-time employment, part-time employment, self-employment, and average wages and salaries are noted.
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La presente etude porte sur la maniere dont le risque de perte d'emploi et les pertes de revenu a court terme des travailleurs mis a pied ont evolue entre la fin des annees 1970 et le milieu des annees 2000.
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This study examines how the risk of job loss and the short-term earnings losses of laid-off workers evolved between the late 1970s and the mid-2000s.
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Au cours des trois dernieres decennies, le Canada a connu trois recessions : une premiere qui a commence au debut des annees 1980; une deuxieme, au debut des annees 1990; et la plus recente, qui a entraine des baisses de l'emploi a partir d'octobre 2008. Pour chacune de ces recessions, la presente etude...
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Over the last three decades, Canada has experienced three recessions: one that started during the early 1980s; a second that began during the early 1990s; and the most recent one, which led to employment declines starting in October 2008. For each recession, this study: a) examines which workers...
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This paper examines the long-term labour market premiums associated with completing a college certificate and a bachelor's degree, compared to completing a high school diploma. Several labour market outcomes of individuals are examined with longitudinal data over a 20-year period spanning their...
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With the leading edge of the baby boom generation now in their mid-sixties, there is considerable interest in how and when these individuals will retire. To help place this issue in a broader context, this paper provides information on the employment histories of individuals who were aged 33 to...
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This study examines which factors underlie the narrowing of wage differences seen between young bachelor?s degree holders and high school graduates from the 2000-to-2002 period to the 2010-to-2012 period and the widening of differences in full-time paid employment rates between these two...
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Puisque les premiers membres de la generation du baby-boom ont maintenant atteint la mi-soixantaine, on s'interesse grandement a la strategie de retraite de ces personnes et au moment auquel ils la prennent. Pour mieux definir le contexte general de cette question, le present document fournit...
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La presente etude porte sur les avantages a long terme sur le marche du travail que conferent un certificat d'etudes collegiales et un baccalaureat, comparativement a un diplome d'etudes secondaires. Plusieurs resultats de personnes sur le marche du travail sont examines a partir de donnees...
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